Hybrid Work – Operationalize, Measure, and Manage

ReXLytics Hybrid Work enterprise solution platform enables you to operationalize, measure and manage the highly variable dynamic challenges associated with Hybrid and Remote working across all of your functional areas.

Hybrid work Management

The ReXLytics suite of Hybrid work Management integrated solutions are enabled by our ReX’Telemetry AI Agents:


  • Hybrid work Management with Real-time visibility for workforce and worksites leadership.
  • Remote user visibility and ISP quality assessment for IT needs.
  • Hybrid work benefit analysis and reporting for HR.
  • Scope 3, Category 7 carbon emission measurement and reporting.
  • Real-time hybrid workpoint vacancy optimization tools for Facilities.
  • Hybrid Work – Operationalize, Measure, and Manage. A Unified Hybrid work Management Solution.

Free Net-Zero Hybrid Work Sustainability Calculator for Modeling and Estimation

Our innovative and free Net-Zero Hybrid Work Carbon Estimation and Modeling Calculator (“Scope 3:Category 7”) is designed to help organizations (and individuals) achieve their net-zero sustainability goals by estimating and modeling carbon emissions and offsets related to hybrid working. This intuitive tool provides detailed metrics on greenhouse gas emissions, offsets, employee commuting time, and expense savings from commute avoidance. By inputting just a few key data points, you can model and estimate how close your organization (or an individual) is to achieving Net-Zero for Hybrid Work, as well as the time and expense costs and savings benefits by employees.

Start your journey towards Net-Zero Carbon Emissions today with our

Free Net-Zero Hybrid Work Sustainability Calculator.

Hybrid work Management Functional Areas

IT and Help Desk

See beyond traditional network edges

Hybrid work Management

Visibility for remote workforce digital experiences.

Eliminates blind spots in IT with real-time analytics.

Revolutionizes customer support with proactive issue resolution.

Seamless integration enhances visibility and control.

Comprehensive connectivity and system status views.


On-site, Hybrid and Remote Staff Insights

Hybrid work Management

Empower leadership to manage the remote hybrid workforce.

Embrace productivity and organizational culture nurturing.

Offers critical insights into an evolving hybrid workforce.

Gain visibility into remote, hybrid, and full-time office staff.

Refine remote and hybrid strategies with actionable insights.

Achieve Net-Zero for Hybrid Work with ReXCarbon Cloud

Fully-automated precision sustainability solution for Scope 3: Category 7 Hybrid Work

Hybrid work Management

Real-time sustainability accounting for carbon reduction tracking.

Track/report carbon reductions from hybrid/remote activities.

Focus on Scope 3 – Category 7 carbon reduction offsets.

Seamless integration enhances visibility and control.

Comprehensive connectivity and system status views.


On-site, Hybrid and Remote Staff Insights

Hybrid work Management

More accuracy than building card access.

AI Client Agent accurately measures remote work days.

Active Directory data integration includes job title and dept.

Productivity metric measures workdays regardless of location.

Office Utilization metric compares days in the office to total days.

“While 2025 might sound like a long way away, it’s really not,” said Kristen Sullivan, a partner at Deloitte who leads sustainability and ESG services. “2024 is going to be the activation year.”


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